Cobra Direct, Inc.

We believe that an organization is only as successful as the people within it. Our goal as an independently-owned consulting, sales, and marketing firm is to help develop our team into the best versions of themselves and to not only work toward the company goals, but to their individual goals as well. We bring our results-driven strategies to this ever-changing field and focus our efforts on a face to face, relationship-based marketing and sales approach. By doing this, we bring our Fortune 500 clients life-long customers with increased name-brand recognition and high levels of customer loyalty.

Our Company Values.


We believe that actions speak louder than words and that doing the right thing is ALWAYS the right thing to do. We aspire to build trust with our clients, our coworkers, and our customers on a daily basis. The only way to do this is promote honesty, transparency, and respect in all aspects of business.


We understand to be successful you must have motivated individuals working toward a common goal. A key factor in motivation is loving what you do. We have to be passionate about our individual success, our clients’ success, and making a lasting difference in our industry.


We have had an outstanding track record for several Fortune 500 companies. Our skillsets are in very high demand, and therefore we must set our company’s standards for results we expect even higher. We provide all coaching, training and resources for someone to be successful in our field.